Network of the beverage and liquid food industry for the exchange of knowledge and technology – for today, for the future
We bring together the whole world of the beverage and liquid food industry. Because we are convinced that this global community needs a strong platform – a place to come together. Because innovation thrives on inspiration. New ideas need good conversations. Successful business comes from a trusting partnership.
We are part of the industry, we live the industry. We see it as our task to advance the global beverage and liquid foods industry at our We bring together the entire world of the beverage and liquid food industry. By creating space for encounters. By offering a stage for new solutions. And giving impulses for future developments. In the YONTEX team, we combine our decades of experience and our passion for this unique industry.
Water, beer, wine & sparkling wine, soft drinks, juice, spirits or liquid food? Processing, bottling, packaging, logistics, marketing or services for the beverage industry ? A unique mix with all the global players and creative newcomers is the basis for a strong, sustainable future in all markets in beverage and liquid production. We invite you and the entire community of our multifaceted industry, as a partner of the YONTEX cosmos to BrauBeviale in Nuremberg, drinktec in Munich and our trade fairs around the globe.

Who we are.
YONTEX GmbH & Co. KG is a subsidiary of Messe München GmbH and NürnbergMesse GmbH. The YONTEX team combines the experience and the lifeblood of the drinktec and BrauBeviale teams. With these synergies, the new company is right in the middle of the beverage and liquid foods industry and ready to jointly open up new paths for trend-setting trade and world-leading exhibitions, industry events and digital B2B formats.
BrauBeviale in Nuremberg is the trade fair for the brewing and beverage industry – with a strong focus on European markets and the beer industry. Beverage manufacturers will find everything they need for their production in nine halls. Around 31,000 people visited the trade fair in 2023 – 34% of whom came from Europe. The benefits of the visit are clear: 85% of visitors are involved in investment decisions and 88% state a high benefit of visiting. The next event will take place from 26 to 28 November 2024.
Users – especially small and medium-sized manufacturers in the beverage industry – will receive state-of-the-art solutions and the latest developments for their daily beverage production tasks: the range of products on offer covers all areas of the supply industry, from the supply of raw materials for the production of beer and malt-based beverages to all process steps for the production, filling and packaging of the products. The rest of the value chain, such as secondary packaging and subsequent logistics solutions, as well as offerings for the catering industry and at the point of sale are also covered. The broad-based supporting programme offers solutions for the current requirements of the companies and provides background information as well as an informal business exchange.
The Verband Private Brauereien Bayern e. V. supports the trade fair with its expertise, its network and its flagship, the European Beer Star, as a conceptual sponsor.
drinktec in Munich is the global business summit for the beverage and liquid food industry. The trade fair is aimed at all manufacturers in the markets worldwide and offers comprehensive solutions for the entire value chain for all beverage segments in 12 halls. At the last trade fair in 2022, around 50,000 trade visitors – around 83% of whom were decision-makers – came to find out about industry trends. The high visitor benefit is confirmed by 94% of visitors. The next drinktec will take place from 15 to 19 September 2025.
All visitors – including medium-sized companies, global beverage manufacturers and large corporations – benefit from the in-depth insight into the technology at drinktec: numerous exhibits in running operation present the technical features of the solutions in detail. In addition, many innovations and macro trends will be presented by the exhibitors. The product range covers all process and production steps in the value chain: raw materials and ingredients, process technology for non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages including dairy products and their alternatives as well as liquid food. Other exhibition areas include filling and packaging technology, including the production and processing of PET bottles throughout their entire life cycle. The trade fair programme also covers secondary packaging and logistics solutions as well as offers for the catering trade and at the point of sale. With its supporting programme, drinktec will also focus on the exchange of ideas on innovation and future scenarios.
drinktec is organised by the Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Association within VDMA e.V..
CHINA BREW CHINA BEVERAGE (CBB) is Asia’s leading platform for the beverage and liquid food industry, held every two years since 1995. CBB positions itself as the largest and only event covering all branches of the beverage and liquid food industry in Southeast Asia. It offers a meeting place for experienced, high-calibre participants: professional trade visitors and specialised exhibitors.
In its orientation, the CBB benefits from the strong alliance of local expertise and the strong drinktec brand with its international knowledge and network. CBB is consistently developing its international influence and optimising its internationalised services to attract more and more exhibitors and visitors from home and abroad and to create an authoritative business platform for the entire process chain of the beverage and liquid food industry in China and Asia.
drinktec india is the most important trade fair for the beverage and liquid food industry as well as the food industry in India. First held in 2007, the trade fair alternates between Mumbai and Delhi. With its focus on the food and beverage industry in one trade fair event, it is the trend-setting platform for technology specialists and decision-makers from India and the world to present their customised solutions for the Indian markets. The portfolio includes solutions along the entire process chain for the production and marketing of food and beverages: Raw materials, processing, filling, packaging, logistics and marketing solutions
YONTEX, the organiser of the world’s leading trade fair drinktec, is on board as a strong partner. At the trade fair venue in India, drinktec india operates in conjunction with PackMach Asia, the international trade fair for the process and packaging industry, and World Tea & Coffee Expo, the trade fair focussing on tea, coffee and related industries.

What is YONTEX GmbH & Co. KG?
YONTEX GmbH & Co. KG is a jointly held subsidiary of Messe München GmbH and NürnbergMesse GmbH. It was founded to organise, conduct and further develop two leading international trade fairs for the beverage and liquid food industry – drinktec, including its international branches, and BrauBeviale.
What are the advantages of combining the drinktec and BrauBeviale brands under the YONTEX umbrella?
YONTEX was founded to take advantage of synergies between the drinktec and BrauBeviale events. The aim was a forward-looking evolution of the two organisations’ current and future event formats, so as to provide even more attentive support for the needs of the international beverage and liquid foods industry. The two trade fairs’ focuses and distinctions from one another will be sharpened, at the same time enabling them to custom-tailor their services to their markets (both national and international) and their customers.
What will be done with my data?
Our exhibitors’ and visitors’ data will be transferred to YONTEX GmbH & Co. KG by its parent companies, Messe München GmbH and NürnbergMesse GmbH. We have sent out information about the further use of the data by YONTEX GmbH & Co. KG. If visitors, or returning exhibitors who are not yet registered for BrauBeviale, do not wish their data to be used, they are entitled to refuse permission.